CBT on Saturday mornings

CBT appointments available on Saturday mornings at Therap-ease on Morningside Road, Edinburgh.

I can help you to tackle anxiety and low mood and start to take control of the unhelpful thoughts, behaviours and distress that have you trapped.

My clients usually see a benefit within the first few sessions and often go on to make significant steps forward in coping with their mental health, managing distress and enjoying life.

Book online now or Contact me for more information.

Struggling with anxiety, stress and panic – book CBT appointments in Edinburgh this week

Looking for help with anxiety, stress and/or panic? I have appointments available for new clients starting on Thursday evening and Saturday morning this week at Therap-ease in Morningside Road, Edinburgh.

I specialise in treating anxiety, using evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which are recommended by the NHS.

My clients usually come in to therapy looking for relief from the distress and overwhelm they are struggling with. Sometimes they have been prescribed medication, often they are keen to find strategies and tools to cope better.

I work with clients to understand and tackle their anxiety and help them make the changes that can make an important difference. Often they notice improvements quickly, after only a handful of appointments. Some clients leave it there – happy to have that boost and then take things forward themselves.

Other clients then choose to move on to addressing deeper underlying behaviours, patterns and issues in order to achieve lasting relief.

My clients often make important changes to their lives as a result of therapy and achieve things they did not think was possible. With my approach, clients set the goals and my role is to help them achieve the change they want.

I offer therapy sessions on a pay as you go basis; and offer packages of 4, 6 or 12 sessions.

I am a trainer psychotherapist and counsellor, a registered member of BACP and have a specialist training specifically in CBT and related approaches.

If you would like to book an initial appointment with me in Edinburgh please book online at Therap-ease or phone Therap-ease reception on 0131 447 9990.

Feeling better and other achievements

Feeling better…and other achievements

I’ve been reflecting on the clients who have been through my practice at Therap-Ease over the past year or so and thinking about the achievements that they have made in various aspects of their life with the help of therapy.

When clients first come into therapy they generally want to feel better. They want relief from the unpleasant effects of anxiety, to stop panic attacks, to get some sleep and to recover their lust for life.

And I find that using CBT is extremely effective in helping clients to achieving these benefits. Moreover, in the process of feeling better, clients also start to make important and meaningful changes in their lives.

I am committed to confidentiality in my practice so I won’t go into details. However, I can share that some of my clients have achieved the following:

  • Applied for and appointed to new jobs or promotions
  • Taken up and re-kindled hobbies and activities; started dating
  • Improved relationships and marriages and ended harmful relationships
  • Made important changes to their businesses
  • Prepared for stressful court appearances
  • Reduced tremors, swallowing difficulties, sleep problems and other physical symptoms
  • Managed and taken control of long-standing disordered eating
  • Reduced unwanted thoughts and images and obsessions
  • Achieved personal challenges such as speaking in public, travelling and socialising
  • Managed exam and assignment stress to achieve academic success
  • Accepted difficult feelings around grief, loss and illness and moved forward with their lives.

All these have been achieved by clients who originally came into the clinic struggling with anxiety, feeling hopeless and overwhelmed and have left feeling better and more in control.

Contact me if you would like to speak to me about the anxiety you are experiencing and how you might benefit from CBT.

To make an appointment book online at Therap-ease or phone 0131 447 9990 to speak to a receptionist.

  • Ready to feel better? Start CBT this week

    CBT appointments are available with Julie this week in the clinic at Therap-Ease at Morningside Road in Edinburgh.

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based approach that can help you to cope and to feel better. I have successfully helped clients to deal with anxiety, disordered eating, self esteem and low mood. I’ve helped many clients who feel stuck or who are aware they want to make changes in their life.

    Phone 0131 447 9990 to make an appointment or book online at Therap-Ease.

    Holding on to anger…?

    “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else…” -Buddha

    “For every minute you remain angry you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Wise words, but easier said than done?

    Anger is what we call a secondary emotion – it occurs in place or to protect something softer, more hurtful or sore like sadness, fear or vulnerability; or sometimes fills a space where we could be taking responsibility.

    Anger is normal and natural, fitting within a range of emotions and feelings.

    Anger protects us – it scares others away and it makes us appear bigger and mightier. And, when faced with an immediate danger or threat, it can help us to fight, flee or freeze

    This can be useful at times; but it can also come with a high price including possible consequences at work or with the law; and the more personal effects of pushing others away, isolating us and disabling us from receiving nurturing and love from ourselves of others.

    Sometimes we can find ourselves getting into the habit of using anger and rage when we could really do with addressing deeper feelings, beliefs and thoughts; or with taking our own responsibility and sorting things out.

    I help clients to unpack their anger, challenging them to ask themselves about what lies beneath those angry words and actions and what alternatives they might explore in getting their needs met more effectively. Often clients are stuck in patterns of behaviour set in childhood; or in constant alert mode due to experiences of the past. Anger often arises in place of responsibility where it had become a habit to blame others or the past for a lack of action or motivation in our own lives.

    Using CBT and other therapeutic approaches, I help clients find ways to understand themselves better, express themselves more clearly and be kinder and wiser towards themselves and others. Losing the anger certainly doesn’t mean losing power, respect or esteem. Most clients agree that tackling chronic anger helps them to gain respect and feel stronger, while also feeling better and able to build more fulfilling and stable relationships and getting more done.

    Put down the hot coal and find your peace of mind.

    Contact me if you would like to find out more about CBT for anger management.

    When worrying doesn’t work

    Bad news for all the worriers out there…worrying doesn’t work! Ok I’ll give worrying it’s due…it has one useful purpose and that is to alert us to something that is, or feels wrong.

    It’s quite an important role but one it often gets wrong – alerting us to problems that don’t yet, and might never really exist. And after that worrying helps us feel more anxious, less in control and more in danger. It raises blood pressure, frays tempers and gets in the way of joy, relaxation, achievement and enjoyment.

    So, how can we take control of worrying and put it back in its place?

    A few of the key skills in addressing worrying include: facing the problem directly, looking at facts, staying in the present day rather than jumping ahead to the future, stopping, making informed decisions about whether the problem is real or imagined, breathing and slowing down. Worry can be challenged and assessed, allowing plans and actions to be made and taken for real current problems.

    Ok easier said than done, especially when worry has become a habit of a lifetime and often one inherited from previous generations of worriers. But, with practice it can help us feel better, enjoy life more and to live with much less fear and stress.

    I use versions of this flow chart with clients who are learning to deal with worry. It really works!

    CBT without the queues

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is recommended by the NHS for anxiety, panic, low mood and depression, eating disorders and many other conditions. But NHS waiting lists can be extremely long with patients waiting months to start treatment.

    I specialise in CBT and can arrange appointments at Therap-ease within days. This means that you can start to make important steps forward with your mental health straight away.

    Many of my clients experience a benefit early in the treatment from using simple strategies and we get stuck straight in to making the manageable changes that help you feel better.

    I work with adults and young people from my clinic at Therap-ease in Morningside Road, Edinburgh. Therap-ease is multi-therapy centre with comfortable rooms and reception area.

    Appointments can be booked online and during February all new clients will receive a self-help book (worth £12.99).

    Happy new year – let’s do it in 2019!

    I’m not one for resolutions – has a new year resolution ever been made and kept? But I’m a big believer in doing…

    Many clients focus on who they are, what they are, and what they are not. We tend to worry about being inadequate, unloveable or somehow flawed. Of course we are all flawed and none of us perfect. And we can’t do much about who we are. This focus on ‘being’ also tends to get in the way of ‘doing’.

    CBT is all about making adjustments to behaviour in order to feel better. And shifting from a focus on being to doing works well within the CBT framework. While we cannot control who we are…we can usually control what we do – our behaviour, particularly in the here and now.

    What makes an artist? Am I an artist? Well…no. How can I be an artist? I can start to paint and draw. I control that. If I paint and draw every day for a week am I an artist? How about every day for a year? You get my point…

    I encourage clients to make small significant tweaks to their behaviour in order to feel better. I support congruent change that fits with the clients values and which balances challenge and achievability.

    Ultimately, we can all choose what we do and realising that and acting on it gives a powerful sense of control, confidence and optimism for the future.

    Let’s do it in 2019!

    Christmas and new year – appointments for CBT

    After a short break for Christmas I’ll be opening the clinic again tomorrow (Thurs 27th Dec). You can book appointments for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy online at www.therap-ease.biz.

    I have appointments available in the next week or so. If you would like to talk through any issues that have arisen over the festive period, or are looking for a bit of support at this time of year, why not book in. CBT is great for helping put things into perspective, for coping with anxiety and managing emotions and for intercepting unhelpful thinking patterns.

    I am offering £5 off first sessions for new clients in December and January (normally £50; now £45).

    Contact me if you have questions about CBT or would like to find out more about how CBT can help you.

    World mental health day – sunny days, small changes and soup

    43650797_311288019601122_8903429121132986368_nIt’s a sunny autumn day and a balmy 20 degrees in Scotland and my only regret today is that I’m melting in a polo-neck jumper. It’s also world mental health day – an opportunity to reflect on my own mental health as well as thinking about clients and others.

    Of course, every day is mental health day in this line of work and I am constantly impressed, surprised, perplexed, challenged and amazed by the range of experiences and stories that clients bring into our sessions. One of the benefits of being the therapist, is that I get to learn with and through other people; and to continually build my awareness of mental health, its challenges and ways to cope.

    I met a colleague earlier today to discuss progress and future plans for the menopause support group we run on Saturday mornings in Dunfermline. We compared notes and reflected on how, after just 3 sessions, the group has firmly bonded and we are seeing purposeful and meaningful results: group members supporting one another whilst making positive changes in their own lives. As I’ve often said on this blog before, it’s the small things that count and can make a difference. These changes might be in the workplace, at home, in relationships or simply in a client’s own thoughts. It is so rewarding and humbling to see how bringing people together, facilitating discussion and providing an environment of support can really help.

    When it comes to the ‘small things’ mantra…it’s also true when it comes to my own mental health…yes I enjoy a glass of wine; I love getting out in the countryside, especially when the sun is out; or simply looking out into the garden at the autumn colours; a coffee and catch up with friends; a cuddle on the couch with my other half; a phone-call with my daughter or messaging my son; listening to music; reading a book (I’m a huge Kindle-convert) or a delicious bowl of homemade soup.